From 5 to 7 October 2022, PiQ² will be sponsor and speaker at the 5th International Conference on Zinc Die Casting in Koblenz, Germany. The International Zinc Association organised the conference in collaboration with Initiative Zink and supported by Assofond, Experience Zamak and TEDFUN.
The event will give the opportunity to attend the presentation of the latest research in that field. In this context, PiQ² will show its specific developments for the simulation of zinc die casting. The newest process technologies will then be revealed, and finally, there will be discussions on trends and new market opportunities.
Many players in the world of zinc die casting, such as foundries, designers, mold makers, engineers, and end users, will be present at the Koblenz conference.
This is, therefore, an unmissable event for professionals in the sector. Click here to register for the event.
For further information, please get in touch with us using our form.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference!