The Castle suite of PiQ² has always been characterized by being equipped, unlike most simulation software on the market, with the complete and advanced CAD functionality of the CastleCAD interface. This feature provides enormous modelling potential that is widely appreciated by the market but perhaps oversized for those users that are looking only for the key functions in the simulation software and do not need a complete CAD environment.
CAD software, in fact, always have a fairly high degree of complexity and require the presence of technical skills on the part of the user, which could cause operational difficulties: those who do not need to model geometries, that is to design and make modifications to the mold, would still be faced with a CAD interface that could be difficult to use and not fully exploitable in all its expensive potential.
Precisely to overcome these two main problems, PiQ² has developed a simpler and user-friendly proprietary user interface, which does not have the functionality of a CAD but allows you to directly import ready-made geometries in a universal format such as STL, giving the possibility of satisfying simulation needs in a less complex way and at more accessible costs: this is how CastleKEY was born, an environment that is proposed on the market as a simplified and economical alternative to the more complete CastleCAD.
CastleKEY: the access key to the PiQ² software universe
The first Castle suite module to be available within the CastleKEY interface is CastleMIND, complete in all its well-known features (see product sheet) but with a simplified interface compared to the CAD in which it is usually hosted. Over time, PiQ² will extend the integration in CastleKEY to other modules of the Castle suite (such as CastleRUN or CastleBODY), thus making it a real key to its software universe.
Another important feature of CastleKEY is to open the potential of CastleMIND to those who adopt other brands’ simulation software in their company. In this way, those wishing to use CastleMIND to take advantage of all its features could now do it more easily and with a smaller investment. The user-friendly interface is also a point in favour of this new “simplified” release of CastleMIND, allowing it to be used by mold designers and process technologists without the technical complications of CAD and in a more immediate way.
The 1.0 release of CastleKEY, with the CastleMIND module integrated with all its functions and variants (hot chamber/cold chamber), will be available starting from March 2022.
As a preview, here are some screenshots of the new CastleKEY:
In conclusion
With this new solution, PiQ², therefore, gives the possibility to purchase the simulation software of the Castle suite, starting from CastleMIND, with:
• Lower costs.
• Easy import of geometric models using universal STL format.
• Possibility of integration with other simulation software.
This entry-level solution will allow a wider audience of users to appreciate all the features of CastleMIND in a simplified interface and then eventually opt for an upgrade to the original CastleMIND with CAD technology, should advanced modelling needs arise over time.
If you want to know more about the CastleKEY 1.0 release or request commercial information, fill out the contact form!